This Tennessee Williams classic play gets a 2018 make-over by director Michael Michetti. A Streetcar Named Desire opened over the weekend at Boston Court Performing Arts Center in Pasadena and continues through March 25th.

A 21st century take on the Tennessee Wiilliams classic.
Boston Court’s production of “A Streetcar Named Desire” (Photo by Jeff Lorch)

Through the use of color-blind casting, Michetti says his goal is to “strip away decades of Southern gothic gauze to reveal striking themes of class, race, and gender—reinvigorating the classic which shocked audiences in its debut 70 years ago. By placing the iconic 1940s-era Blanche within an entirely contemporary and multicultural environment, this 21st century production highlights the timeless relevance of this play for our divided America.”

Jaimi Page plays Blanche, Desean Kevin Terry plays Stanley, Maya Lynne Robinson plays Stella and Luis Kelly-Duarte plays Mitch.

In the play Blanche says, “I don’t want realism, I want magic.” Will this production offer realism? Magic? Both? Something else? Who knows. But this certainly will be an interesting production.



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