Twenty years ago Culture Clash debuted Bordertown Now, a show that examined the issues of immigration and border control. I wonder what inspired them to revisit and significantly rework the show now? Our current political climate, particularly as it relates to immigration and building a certain wall, means the members of Culture Clash had plenty of new material to inspire them. The new production, directed by Diane Rodriguez, begins previews on Thursday at the Pasadena Playhouse where it will run through June 24th.

If you know anything about Culture Clash, you know they will use humor to disarm the situation. But if you are familiar with the original production, you might be surprised to see how much both this work and the writers/performers themselves have matured. Though the image below might have you thinking otherwise.

Given the hot-button nature of this topic, there will be a post-performance conversation with community leaders and experts following every performance.

Check out our interview with the show’s director, Diane Rodriguez, who reveals her thoughts on Culture Clash, the play and the issues addressed in Bordertown Now.


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