What are your predictions for 2019?
Well, I would like for the American people to realize that over half of their tax dollars are going to war. While our representatives, alleged representatives, who are supposed to do what we say, are telling us that universal health care system can’t work here. It works in almost every other country. There may be a slight increase in taxes, but there will be no monthly premiums.
There are think tanks set up by the pharmaceutical companies and medical companies and politicians to tell us Medicare for all is not viable in the US. We have to stop calling out those liars. They’ve been paid to lie. Even after Obamacare’s meager reforms, a great boom to people with pre-existing conditions, it did not go nearly far enough. Health care costs are still the number cause of bankruptcy.
We are exploring space, but we’re killing people in other countries who never attacked us, but we can’t bolster our own people with a system that works in most of the industrialized world. We need to wake up and start demanding stuff of our representatives. If they don’t hear from you, they know to take that check from various industries. They are being paid. They are meant to represent us. We have one time to hold their feet to the first and that’s our vote and half of us don’t vote.
I think we’ve really lost the notion that the democracy that we claim to spread through bombs around the world in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, we’ve got to remember that they are working for us. In fact they are working against us due to the prevalanece of bribes. I’ve seen so many people posting about how cute it is that Michele Obama handed George W. Bush a cough drop. Or so many passionate posts for or against Kevin Hart. Do you not care anything about the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen? Which is Trump’s war. But Obama started that.
Please don’t tell me you support the troops if you can’t point to where they are on a map. If you can’t tell me what the mission is in Afghanistan, the longest war in US history, which Obama campaigned to end by 2013, you do not support the troops for reason no one can understand now. Even generals are saying let’s get out of the war. They joke that Atilla the Hun and Alexander the Great couldn’t conquer Afghanistan.
I’m Southern, I was brought up as a Christian. Christmas was time we celebrated the prince of peace, Jesus Christ, could we think a little bit more about peace around Christmas time when we’re trying to spread good cheer. Sorry to go so heavy on this, but they are taking the vote on this today.
In March the Senate tried to urge us to get out of Yemen. They don’t mention it was Bernie Sanders and Chris Murphy saying we need to stop this. There are not a lot of principaled peole in our government. I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in good and it’s not good what we’re doing. I feel a little freaked out not by “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” This war has gone on unbeknownst to Americans until it’s Trump war…it’s not. Peace on earth, goodwill to men. That’s dead. Â