When was the last time you attended a Tupperware Party? Perhaps you never have before. Or you did ages ago when Tupperware was part of everyone’s household. Or maybe it was several years ago when Dixie Longate was last in Los Angeles at the Geffen Playhouse. Whenever it was, you will want to consider a night out as Dixie’s Tupperware Party returns to town at the Kirk Douglas Theatre. The show opens on November 28th and runs through December 30th.

Dixie is from Alabama and she knows her way around Tupperware. And life. And love. And her equally parts scripted and spontaneous show will have you doubled over in laughter. There is absolutely nothing political correct about Dixie. She says it as it is (or rather, as she sees it) and everyone – including the audience – is fair game. And a few select visitors will find themselves joining the party by sitting on stage. Be careful what you wish for!

Dixie is the creation of Kris Andersson, who wrote the show. Patrick Richwood directs. For this run at the Kirk Douglas Theatre, VIP tickets are available with a pre-show reception included. I don’t think you get free Tupperware, though.

Look for our interview with Dixie Longate later this week.

Photo by Patrick Russel


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