When you combine the variations in the storytelling, the characters and the songs from the three versions of A Star Is Born that have music, you end up with A Star Is Born³ which plays tonight at Rockwell Table and Stage.

This means that you’ll get The Man That Got Away and Evergreen and Shallow all rolled up together. Blake McIver is the creator and director of A Star Is Born³. He also takes on the role Kris Kristofferson played in the 70s version. Tal Fox, who produces with Emerson Collins, plays the Streisand character.

For the 1950s version of the story, the roles played by Judy Garland and James Mason are played here by Mary Lane Haskell and Gil Darnell. And for last year’s version, Briana Cuoco and Zach Zaggoria take on the Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper roles.
jackbenny serves as the band for the show. Jack Lipson is the musical director.
The show started as a one-off performance, but the response was so strong they added two more performances. Tonight’s show is the last announced performance, but producer Collins told me they are hoping to find additional dates.
If the idea of a mash-up of Judy, Barbra and Gaga sounds like nirvana, this show is for you.
For tickets to A Star Is Born³ go here.
All photos by Abel Armas.