The Baroque period of classical music is not my favorite. As an LA Philharmonic season ticket holder the one concert I wasn’t truly looking forward to was last night’s program of Bach, Handel and Telemann. But I went. And so should you. The second half of the concert offers the first LA Phil performance’s of Handel’s Apollo and Daphne. Don’t miss it as there is a second performance TONIGHT.

The concerts, lead by conductor Emmanuelle Haïm, begin with two short violin concerti. The first is by Bach – the Violin Concerto in G Minor. Though you won’t necessarily know this by name, you’ll certainly recognize the second movement.

The second concerto is by Telemann – the Violin Concerto in A (The Frogs). The soloist for both concerti is Martin Chalifour, Principal Concertmaster of the LA Philharmonic.

The highlight, however, was Apollo and Daphne. Imagine the story as written by Ovid mixed with Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. That give you a good idea what goes on in this 50-minute work that features a soprano as Daphne and a baritone as Apollo.

Soprano Sandrine Piau (Photo by Sandrine Expilly)

French soprano Sandrine Piau gorgeously sings the role of Daphne. Her tones are so pure and round and her antagonism towards Apollo, who is desperately trying to woo her, is palpable.

Baritone Jarrett Ott sings the role of Apollo. He starts as a cocky man who can’t imagine why any woman wouldn’t just throw herself on him. When he is ultimately spurned, his tone radically changes and the heartbreak gives way to a level of emotional singing I haven’t heard in quite some time.

Piau and Ott make this concert – even for someone who was dreading going – a great start to the New Year. If you love amazing singing, you owe it to yourself to cancel your plans and go see this concert tonight.

LA Opera – start making plans for Ott and Piau for upcoming productions!

For tickets go here.

Photo of Jarrett Ott by Dario Acosta Photography/Courtesy of

Photo of Sandrine Piau by Sandrina Expilly/Courtesy of IMG Artists


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