Happy Holidays!

2020 has been quite the year. I don’t have to tell you that. But I believe that the way performing arts organizations around the world have made extraordinary efforts so that those of us who live and breathe culture can still be engaged with the art forms we love so dearly has been amazing.

As the year comes to an end I want to express my gratitude to all the artists, performing arts organizations and venues who have provided that content for us during this awful year.

I should also thank many of those organizations for their cooperation and support.

I also want to thank my partner who has endured countless ours of streaming programming, many days/weeks/months with me at the computer and endless hours having to do our own things.

Most importantly I want to thank all you readers who have discovered Cultural Attaché and rely on this site for information on the best programming available for streaming in the performing arts.

If you love what I do here at Cultural Attaché, please tell your friends. We have exciting plans for 2021.

Let’s hope 2021 allows us all to gather again in theaters and concert halls around the world. That it allows us to once again experience the unparalleled thrill of live entertainment. Until then, let’s also do whatever we can to support the arts. They need us as much as we need them.

Stay safe. Stay healthy.

I’ll see you when the curtain goes up again.

Craig L. Byrd – Publisher

Photo by Flip Bunkens


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