The world premiere of the Ellen Reid and Roxie Perkins opera p r i s m took place at REDCAT in Los Angeles in November of 2018. Beth Morrison Projects produced the opera and James Darrah was the director.

The opera was named the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Music in 2019.

A film was made of the opera and LA Opera is making that film available for free streaming through February 8th.

p r i s m tells the story of a mother and daughter who live in a Sanctuary and they shut out the outside world. Bibi, the daughter, suffers from an ailment to her legs. Her mother, Lumee, keeps her in this Sanctuary in an effort to heal her daughter. But each time when Bibi has to take her medicine, she hears the voices of her previous selves. As those voices grow louder, she starts to question her mother’s intentions.

The opera is an examination of trauma and the lengths one might go, regardless of the toll it may exact, to protect someone they love.

This opera was one of the true highlights in culture in 2018 and I strongly recommend seeing the film. It isn’t easy material, in fact there is adult content and nudity in this 82-minute film, but those who watch p r i s m will be richly rewarded.

Beginning January 29th, LA Opera will also be making a short film called Lumee’s Dream available for free streaming. Darrah directed the film which takes a moment from p r i s m and expands the narrative. As Darrah told me recently, “p r i s m inspired another visual realm of its universe. That is a more sensory experience and it is long form.”

He went on to talk about his working relationship with his friend, composer Reid.

“Ellen is a good friend. The way she works, opera composers are supposed to disappear, write something and go away. Then there’s James Darrah and so and so’s production. We talked about how she made it, how Roxie wrote the libretto and hen we shaped it to the stage – together. More people should have the opportunity to wormlike that. Not just at REDCAT. Film, television and opera needs to get on that wave length.”

p r i s m is available now through February 8th.

Lumee’s Dream will be available from January 29th – February 11th.

Photo: Anna Schubert in p r i s m (Photo by Larry Ho/Courtesy LA Opera)


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