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"In some ways it's the most personal piece of mine because of that resonance with the land and with the history."
"When you're dealing with these amazing artists on stage who have these different ways of expression, really the music can go anywhere."
"When you think about it, love is just something that you have to distract you from what's going on with your death."
"They're not traditional fodder for making of opera stories. But they are love stories, actually, at the heart of each of them. Really broke and screwed-up love stories."
Dupuis, Garanča, Gordon, Puts, Reif and Du Yun
Beasley, Blanchard, Parlato and Stritch
Four of our classical music interviews you'll want to watch!
Our favorite performances including Cabaret, Classical, Musicals, Operas and Plays
"It basically started with us believing that this piece needs to be heard by more people and performed by more people. Not every ensemble has the resources to perform it. John gave us the blessing for it."
"I wanted people to ask themselves what is my personal identity? What kind of mask have I designed for myself? "


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