TOP 12 of 2024: ELIM CHAN
A chance to be music director at the LA Phil would be like a trip over the rainbow for Elim Chan.
Marilyn Maye: The Taylor Swift of Cabaret Singers
"I don't know anything else but this business in my life. That's how I make my living and it's very important to me to do what I do and do it well."
Top 12 of 2024: KIM DAVID SMITH
The Male Marlene Dietrich has a lot to say
Top 12 of 2024: KANEZA SCHAAL
The acclaimed opera direct talks about William Grant Still and the future for operas by Black composers.
Top 12 Interviews of 2024: LINDA MAY HAN OH
The jazz bassist/composer talks about "The Glass Hours" and her faith things will get better.