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Tag: Caroline Shaw


Two streaming events and three new works to explore

Cellist Alisa Weilerstein Juxtaposes Bach…

"I just wanted people to experience this music in a primal and hypnotic way. Kind of going back to what made us fall in love with music in the first place."

Best Bets: May 7th – May 10th

Our top ten list for cultural programming this weekend

Best Bets: April 30th – May 3rd

Twenty different shows to enjoy this weekend

Best Bets at Home: December 11th – December 13th

Two dozen different shows to watch this weekend!

Culture Best Bets at Home: April 17th – 19th

Musicals, concerts, plays, jazz, classical are all available this weekend

Are You Missing Chamber Music?

Camerata Pacifica has posted over 75 performance videos on YouTube.

The Beethoven Ninth with Dudamel

Walt Disney Concert Hall
October 27th

What Does Composer Caroline Shaw Want to Hear at the Bowl...

"I think you can develop a personal practice that celebrates one's own imagination and I think that's why I write music."

Classical Best Bets at the Hollywood Bowl

The Hollywood Bowl 2019 Season Begins: Classical


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