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Oliver Savile Jumps Into “The Last Ship”

"I mean it couldn't be more opposite. I literally finished on a Sunday and started this on the Monday. I had to wipe the slate completely clean."

Joy Franz From “Sweet Charity” to “Anastasia”

"It really is lonely. But I can make do with almost any situation. I can survive on my own."

We Should Do Our Own Version of “Miscast” in Los...

Here in Los Angeles we may not have the same volume of ongoing performances as New York, but we certainly have the talent pool to make a show like this happen here.

Broadway Baby Elaine Stritch is Still Here With The Ladies Who...

When 89-year-old Elaine Stritch recently dropped an “F-bomb” on The Today Show, she knew exactly what she was doing. Suddenly, the video of her...


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