Home Tags Hélène Grimaud

Tag: Hélène Grimaud

New In Music This Week: September 8th

19 new releases to give you more music than you can listen to in any given weekend...but you'll be tempted

Top Picks for the Hollywood Bowl 2021 Summer Season UPDATED

Cultural Attaché's Top Ten Best Bets at The Bowl

Best Bets: January 29th – January 31st

Fourteen streaming events for the last weekend in January

Hélène Grimaud Recital

Walt Disney Concert Hall
February 26th
Baker-Baum Concert Hall (La Jolla)
February 28th
Davies Symphony Hall (San Francisco)
March 22nd

Conductor Lionel Bringuier’s Musical Conversation with Ravel and Gershwin

"I'm always excited to conduct and make music. It's just a joy to do this in the United States."

Gershwin & Ravel

Walt Disney Concert Hall
March 28th - March 31st


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