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Tag: Irish Repertory Theatre


The official opening of "Buena Vista Social Club" is one of four major openings in New York this week

Best Bets: February 19th – February 21st

Fourteen options to enjoy culture at home this weekend lead by a new work by Tyshawn Sorey

Irish Rep’s Theatre @ Home Winter Festival – EXTENDED

Irish Repertory Theatre Website
Now - March 7th

Musicals/Cabaret Best Bets for the Holidays

More than a dozen recommendations for musical fans to enjoy!

Best Bets at Home: December 11th – December 13th

Two dozen different shows to watch this weekend!

Best Bets at Home: November 20th – November 22nd – UPDATED

The eighteen shows you need to know about this weekend!

On Beckett/In Screen

Irish Repertory Theatre
November 17th - November 22nd

Culture Best Bets at Home: July 24th – July 26th

Over a dozen options to enjoy the performing arts this weekend

Culture Best Bets at Home: June 19th – June 21st

Juneteenth programming leads this week's choices


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