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Tag: Jason Moran

Best Bets: May 28th – May 31st

The Top Ten shows you should see this weekend!

Carnegie Hall’s “Voices of Hope” – My Top Picks

Carnegie Hall's Online Festival
Many Show Available through May 31st

Alicia Hall Moran and Her Ultimate Mash-Up – UPDATED

"I guess I call it a vibrational overview of everything I care about. If I get to touch opera and Motown, that's everything."

The Public Theater’s Under the Radar Festival

Public Theater Website
January 6th - January 17th

Thanksgiving Weekend Best Bets at Home

The fourteen shows to entertain you at home on the holiday weekend

Javon Johnson Is Still Somewhat Hopeful

"Art should make us uncomfortable. If not, it's not doing it's job and we're not doing our job."

Immanuel Wilkins From Alpha to Omega

"As artists it's our job to document the times... and comment on it. I hope this record sounds like a soundtrack for 2020 in a way."

Jazz Stream: August 25th – August 30th UPDATED

Charlie Parker turns 100, but he isn't the only jazz musician being celebrated this week.

Michael Feinstein: Live with Carnegie Hall

Carnegie Hall Website
Live on May 12th
Archived and available afterwards

Jason Moran Has a Reason to Believe

""There is still something that has to be expressed that we haven't quite heard or experienced yet. That takes a community that says it is okay to share it."


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