Home Tags La Cage Aux Folles

Tag: La Cage Aux Folles

Top 12 of 2024: SALINA ES TITTIES

Her dreams of being in a musical have been reawakened

Salina EsTitties Reawakens Her Dreams

"In a way 'La Cage' is, for me, how I would love America to be. Not even drag queens, glitter and glam. The love and the joy that we've created in the show is how I wish we were in the country."

Want to Learn About Musicals and Their Composers?

The Contemporary Broadway Musical
Pasadena Playhouse
Now - April 26th
What Makes It Great? Celebrating the Great American Songbook
Kaufman Music Center and JCC Thurnauer School of Music
February 23rd - April 15th

It’s Jerry Herman that Andy Einhorn Likes

"Maybe it's my own therapy session, but I'm going to own it. I think it's important to hear it. There's a healing quality that people need right now."

Harvey Fierstein Gets Back to Drag

Forty-five minutes after my interview with Harvey Fierstein is scheduled to take place my phone rings. I say hello and hear, “I’m so, so...


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