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What with <em>Eurydice</em>, <em>Hadestown</em> and more. But let’s face it, they’ve never gone away. The themes they utilized are universal. Such is the case with <em>Callirhoe</em>, which was a Greek novel published in the first century. That novel is the inspiration for American Ballet Theatre’s <em>Of Love and Rage</em>, a new ballet that has its world premiere this week at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa.</p> <p>The novel tells the story of the beautiful Callirhoe with whom Chaereas has fallen deeply in love. This doesn’t go over too well with others who had their eyes on her so they conspire to fill Chaereas with doubt about her fidelity to him. An abusive encounter with Chaereas leads to what many presume to be her death, but in reality was just a coma. Other suitors pursue her even though her death did not end her marriage. Like many women of that time, she was granted no particular power over her own destiny. But she had one thing that still holds power over people today, beauty combined with brains.</p> <p><em>Of Love and Rage</em> was choreographed by Alexei Ratmansky. He’s a Russian born dancer-turned-choreographer who has worked with the Bolshoi Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, New York City Ballet and multiple other companies. </p> <p>With <em>Of Love and Rage</em> he has choreographed his 17th ballet for American Ballet Theatre. He says in the press release for this world premiere that, “I am fascinated by the topic of forgiveness. This is a story about how anger and jealousy tear two people apart – two people who are madly in love. Forgiveness is the only way they can reunite, and forgiveness requires strength.”</p> <p>Ratmansky has selected the music of Aram Khachaturian, as arranged by Philip Feeney, for the ballet. That music will be played live at these performances by the Pacific Symphony.</p> <p>The announced casting for <em>Of Love and Rage</em> is as follows:</p> <p>Thursday, March 5th and the matinee on Saturday, March 7th:</p> <p>Callirhoe – Catherine Hurlin<br>Chaereas – Aran Bell<br>Dionysius – James Whiteside<br>Mithridates – Cory Stearns<br>King of Babylon – Roman Zhurbin<br>Queen of Babylon – Devon Teuscher</p> <p>Friday, March 6th and Sunday, March 8th</p> <p>Callirhoe – Christine Shevchenko<br>Chaereas – Thomas Forster<br>Dionysius – Blaine Hoven<br>Mithridates – Alexandre Hammoudi<br>King of Babylon – Keith Roberts<br>Queen of Babylon – Katherine Williams</p> <p>Saturday, March 7th evening performance:</p> <p>Callirhoe – Hee Seo<br>Chaereas – Calvin Royal III<br>Dionysius – Joo Won Ahn<br>Mithridates – Cory Stearns<br>King of Babylon – Roman Zhurbin<br>Queen of Babylon – Devon Teuscher</p> <p><em>Of Love and Rage</em> will have its New York Premiere June 2nd – June 6th during the company’s 2020 Metropolitan Opera House season.</p> <p>The ballet runs approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.</p> <p>For tickets go here.</p> <p>Photo: Catherine Hurlin and Aran Bell in <em>Of Love and Rage </em>(Photo by Erin Baiano/Courtesy of American Ballet Theatre)</p> <p>The post <a href="https://culturalattache.co/2020/03/04/abts-of-love-and-rage/">ABT’s “Of Love and Rage”</a> appeared first on <a href="https://culturalattache.co">Cultural Attaché</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://culturalattache.co/2020/03/04/abts-of-love-and-rage/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> </channel> </rss>